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Bach Flower Remedies at Orchard Reflexology, Bedford

Bach Flower Remedies


Many people know  of Rescue Remedy, but few realise that it's a blend of 5 flower essences selected from a much broader range of 38 remedies available in the collection.  Bach Flower Remedies were developed by Dr. Edward Bach (pronounced 'Batch') in the 1930's. He carefully selected a specific flower for each of his remedies with an emotion and a positive outcome in mind. Once he'd created this foundation he started blending the remedies according to the mind-set and traits that his clients were presenting with.


The Bach Flower system still works in the same way today.

I offer a full and detailed consultation and then formulate a blend of up to 6 remedies according to the your specific requirements. 

The remedies can be taken in a number of ways, and are safe for just about anyone to take.

The initial consultation takes around an hour. At the end of the consultation you will be given a blend to take away with you. The blend will be in a small bottle with an atomiser for easy dosing. This blend should last 1-2 weeks (depending on storage and the dose rate).


Follow up consultations can take place in person or over the 'phone (the client can then collect their new blend). Each blend is created individually, and is specific to each client. 


Please visit the Prices page for further details.

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